Tourism in Segala, deep in the countryside, between the Aveyron gorges and the Viaur valley

Statue menhir du Rech, La Salvetat-Peyralès

Statue menhir du Rech, La Salvetat-Peyralès

This standing stone in free access at the library shows a warrior from 5000 thousand years ago

Next year will mark the 30th anniversary of the great discovery of Charles Chambert: a standing statue stone found under his ploughshare.

Monuments of this kind are numerous on the “Grandes Causses” of South Aveyron but the Rech standing stone was the only one discovered in West Aveyron to this day. It is a 5.2 almond shaped porphyroïde micaschiste sculpted to represent the traits of a warrior: a belt, a baldric, and a supposed wide dagger can be observed very well. More anthropomorphic details are harder to find. The head was partially shattered without any clues as to its recency. This at least 4000 years old standing stone shows the ancient occupation of our territory by the first farmers. It is permanently presented to the public in the entry hall of the library.

Our menhir is registered since the 9th of September 2020 as a Historical monument.

Address / Contacts :

Spoken language : FR

statue menhir
12440 La Salvetat-Peyralès

Tel : 05 65 81 80 16
E-mail :
Facebook : http://
Web : http://

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Indicative prices :

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Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen Agricole pour le Développement Rural
L'Europe investit dans les zones rurales