Lake Val de Lenne Leisure Centre, Baraqueville
A leisure area located around a 17-hectare lake in the heart of the Segala region : swimming, boating center, fishing, small mutisports stadium, pedestrian and mountainbike trails... In a word ? Revigorating !
The leisure area hosts individuals, for eveyrone to enjoy the lake, watercraft rentals (pedal boat, stand up paddle, canoe...) and the refreshment bar.
The swimming area is guarded in July and August by 2 lifeguards and includes a zone for under-6 and another for older people.
It also hosts groups.
Four our disabled visitors :
The beach is accessible thanks to a a gravel path. The slope into the water is smooth.
Services :
Equipment hireEquipments :
Picnic areaActivities, ... :
Course, Training coursesAccessibility :
Physical impairmentAddress / Contacts :
Spoken language : FR
Association Baraquadabra
Route de Vors
12160 Baraqueville
Tel : 06 01 74 31 51
E-mail :
Facebook : http://
Web : http://
Documents :
Read the documentOpening period(s) :
All year longIndicative prices :
No details