Tourism in Segala, deep in the countryside, between the Aveyron gorges and the Viaur valley

Picnic areas in the Ségala, Naucelle

Picnic areas in the Ségala, Naucelle

Enjoy your meal in complete quietness and just relax...


Leisure Centre at the Lake of Val de Lenne : picnic area


Facing Ste Marthe Church : picnic table

Calmont de Plancatge

At the edge of River Nauze, down below the village : picnic area

In Ceignac, close to the stream: picnic area


Versailles spot : picnic area


Bosc Castle - House of Toulouse Lautrec: you can have your picnic in the park (pointout yourself the reception)


Facing the church, at the edge of the River Céor: picnic area

Mondoye locality, close to the waterfall and reservoir of Glandou: picnic area (barbecue)


Facing the oratory : picnic table


In Naucelle-Gare and park : picnic areas

Pond Bonnefon : picnic table


Peyrot area, close to the church : picnic table

Sainte Juliette sur Viaur

In Parlan locality : picnic area, fitness trail and multisports ground in the lot "l'Espaillou"


Near the bridge over the Viaur river

Sauveterre de Rouergue

In "La Gazonne", down below the bastide : leisure and picnic area (barbecue), swimming pool

Equipments :

Picnic area

Address / Contacts :

Spoken language : FR

Office de tourisme du Pays Ségali
Place Jean Boudou
12800 Naucelle

Tel : 05 65 67 16 42
E-mail :
Facebook : http://
Web : http://

Documents :

Read the document

Opening period(s) :

No details

Indicative prices :

No details

Projet cofinancé par le Fonds Européen Agricole pour le Développement Rural
L'Europe investit dans les zones rurales